
Випуск 2014 на Международна гимназия Златарски приети в UCL, LSE, St Andrews, Warwick, Kings и Queen Mary

Дванадесетокласниците на Гимназия Златарски вече получиха отговори от едни от най-уважаваните университети в Обединеното Кралство. И тази година London School of Economics, University College London, King’s College London и Warwick University приеха наши ученици. Най-предпочитаните специалности са международни отношения, право, инженерни науки, икономика, международна политика, социология, бизнес, мениджмънт и маркетинг. Успешната практика и натрупания опит в UCAS центъра за кандидатстване в университети към Гимназия Златарски спомогна за приема на наши ученици и в Queen Mary London, Birkbeck London, City University London, University of Exeter, University of Essex, University of Leeds, Southampton University, Brunel University, University of Westminster, Aston University, Brighton University, Royal Holloway London, Kingston University, Leicester University, Loughborough University, Portsmouth University и др. Успешното кандидатстване се изразява не само в техническото въвеждане на данни в системата, а основно в работата върху мотивационните им писма, подходяшия избор на предмети и висши учебни заведения и срещите на випускниците ни с представители на университети. До този момент, учениците от Випуск 2014 на Гимназия Златарски са приети в:

University Degree Programme
University College London (UCL) Arts and Sciences
University College London (UCL) Arts and Sciences
University College London (UCL) Economics
London School of Economics (LSE) Sociology
St Andrew’s University Economics and Mathematics
King’s College London Politics of the International Economy
King’s College London Business Management
King’s College London Computer Science with Management and a Year in Industry (4 years)
King’s College London Mathematics with Management and Finance
King’s College London Politics of the International Economy
Warwick University Engineering and Business Management
Queen Mary University London Economics and Politics
Queen Mary University London International Relations
Queen Mary University London International Relations
Queen Mary University London Computer Science with Business Management
Queen Mary University London Law and Politics
Exeter University International Relations
Exeter University Business and Management with European Study (4 years)
Exeter University Psychology
Exeter University Mathematics, Business and Finance
Aston University Business and Management
Aberdeen University Economics and Politics
Birkbeck, University of London Psychosocial Studies
Birkbeck, University of London Law
Brighton University Business Management with Human Resource Management
Brunel University London Business and Management (Marketing) with Placement Year
Brunel University London Business and Management (Marketing) with Placement Year
Brunel University London Business and Management with Placement Year
Brunel University London Computer Science (Software Engineering) with Professional Practice
Brunel University London Communications and Media Studies with Professional Development
Brunel University London Communications and Media Studies with Professional Development
University of the Creative Arts Media and Communications
University of the Creative Arts Interior Architecture and Design
Coventry University Media and Communications
City University London International Political Economy
City University London Law
City University London Sociology with Psychology
City University London International Politics and Sociology
City University London International Political Economy
City University London Engineering with Management and Entrepreneurship
City University London Business Studies
City University London Law
City University London Management
Coventry University Media and Communications
Essex University History and Economics (Including Year Abroad)
Essex University Economics
Essex University Law and Politics
University of Kent Economics and Politics
University of Kent European History with a Year Abroad
University of Kent Digital Arts
University of Kent Social Psychology
University of Kent Politics and International Relations with a year in continental Europe
Kingston University History
Kingston University Politics and International Relations
Kingston University Marketing Communications and Advertising
Loughborough University Engineering Management
Leeds University International Relations
Leicester University Mathematics with Management
Lancaster University Marketing with Psychology
Manchester University Mathematics with Business and Management
Middlesex University Advertising, Public Relations and Media
Middlesex University Sociology (Psychology)
Plymouth University Biomedical Sciences
Portsmouth University Business and Management
Portsmouth University Law
Portsmouth University International Relations and Politics
University of Reading History and Economics
University of Reading Law
University of Reading Consumer Behaviour and Marketing with Industrial Training
University of Reading Consumer Behaviour and Marketing with Industrial Training
University of Reading International Relations and Economics
Royal Holloway University London Management with Marketing (Year in Business)
Royal Holloway University London Management
Royal Holloway University London Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Sheffield University Business Management and Mathematics
Southampton University International Relations
Southampton University Graphic Arts
Sussex University Law and Politics
Westminster University Business Management (Marketing)
Westminster University Psychology
Westminster University Business Management
Westminster University Psychology
Westminster University International Relations
Westminster University Marketing Communications
Westminster University Marketing Communications
Westminster University History
Westminster University Sociology

В King’s College London продължиха образованието си: Нора Карагеоргиева (Випуск 2010, Бизнес мениджмънт), Кристофър Кондов (Випуск 2010, Международен мениджмънт), Евгения Несторова (Випуск 2012, Кинознание), Лорин Райчинова (Випуск 2012, Международна политика), Михаела Петрова (Випуск 2012, Бизнес мениджмънт), Силвана Хайтова (Випуск 2013, Международни отношения), Борислав Панов (Випуск 2013, Бизнес мениджмънт), Мирослав Димитров (Випуск 2013, Международни отношения), Елена Иванова (Випуск 2013, Фармация). В University College London продължи образованието си Владислава Афенлиева (’09), в London School of Economics се обучават Елица Манова (’11) и Златина Дерменджиева (’12), в Queen Mary London продължиха образованието си Габриела Христова (’13), Максим Рижов (’11) и Мария Стойчевска (’10). City University London завършиха Яна Петрова (’10) и Георги Ангелов (’10), Southampton University избраха Боян Динев (’13), Елена-Аврора Кутевска (’12), Данаил Василев (’12), Александър Илков (’12), Петър Тошков (’12) и Емма Тошкова (’11), а Александра Алгафари (’11), Мартин Марински (’11) и Милка Стойкова (’11) продължиха образованието си в Exeter University. Вижте пълния списък с реализацията на нашите ученици. Пожелаваме успех на всички, които все още очакват отговори от британските университети.

Интересно тази година е комбинирането на специалности като математика, инженерни и компютърни науки с бизнес и мениджмънт. Такива примери са: Mathematics with Management and Finance (King’s College London), Engineering with Business Management (Warwick University), Computer Science with Business Management (Queen Mary London), Engineering with Entrepreneurship (City University), Mathematics with Business Management (Manchester University). Продължава и тенденцията за комбиниране на хуманитарни специалности като политически науки, икономика и право като: Politics of International Economics (King’s College London), Economics and Politics (Queen Mary University), Law and Politics (Essex University), History and Economics (Reading University), International Political Economy (City University London).

Учениците на Гимназия Златарски все повече избират университетски специалности с включен стаж (така наречените ‘сандвич’ специалности). Тези специалности позволяват на студентите да добият професионален опит в дадена сфера още докато завършват бакалавърската си степен. Пример за такива специалности тази година са: Business and Management with European Study (Exeter University), Computer Science: Software Engineering with Professional Development (Brunel University), Business and Management with Placement Year (Brunel University), Communications and Media Studies with Professional Development (Brunel University), History and Economics with Year Abroad (Essex University), European History with a Year Abroad (Kent University), Politics and International Relations with a year in Europe (Kent University), Consumer Behaviour and Marketing with Industrial Training (Reading University), Management with Marketing with a Year in Business (Royal Holloway London).