
Успешен прием в британските университети за учениците от Випуск 2015 на Международна гимназия Златарски

Компютърни науки, бизнес и мениджмънт, международни отношения, право, политически науки, инженерни науки, икономика, счетоводство и финанси са сред най-желаните специалности тази година от учениците на Международно училище Златарски. Учениците ни все повече избират университетски специалности с интегриран стаж. Тези специалности позволяват на студентите да добият професионален опит в дадена сфера още докато завършват бакалавърската си степен. Университети като University of Glasgow, University of Warwick, University of Sheffield, University of Southampton, King’s College London и City University London посочиха конкертни оценки по предмети като английски език, математика, икономика, химия, биология и физика в предложенията си към учениците.

Успешната реализация на учениците се дължи на интензивната подготовка в училище по български и международни програми, успешно защитени IGCSE изпити още в 10 клас, целенасочена подготовка за българските матури, доказани резултати и натрупан опит в обучението по International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, всекидневна работа заедно с дванадесетокласниците върху мотивационните им писма и подходящия избор на предмети и висши учебни заведения. Ежегодните срещи на учениците с представители на британски и европейски университети по време на провеждащия се College Fair в училището подпомагат професионалното ориентиране и избора на конкретни стъпки за постигане на желаните академични цели. Пожелаваме успех на всички, които все още очакват отговори от британските университети.

Поздравления за учениците, които са приети в следните специалности:

City University London Accounting and Finance
University of Bristol Accounting and Finance
University of Central Lancanshire Aerospace Engineering
University of Warwick Biological Sciences
University of Bath Business Administration (with professional placement)
Brunel University London Business and Management
University of Exeter Business and Management
Royal Holloway, University of London Business and Management (Year in Business)
City University London Business Computing Systems (4 year SW)
University of Westminster Business Economics
King’s College Londom Business Management
Middlesex University London Business Management
University of Essex Business Management
University of Surrey Business Management
University of Westminster Business Management
University of Westminster Business Management
University of Westminster Business Management (Marketing)
University of Westminster Business Management (Marketing)
University of Brighton Business Management with Marketing
University of Brighton Business Management with Marketing
University of Southampton Business Management with Placement
University of Southampton Business Management with Placement
University of Southampton Business Management with Placement
University of Manchester Business Studies
City University London Business Studies (3 years or 4 year SW)
City University London Business Studies (3 years or 4 year SW)
University of Bath Chemistry
University of Manchester Chemistry
City University London Computer Science
King’s College Londom Computer Science
King’s College Londom Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London Computer Science
University of Sheffield Computer Science (4 years)
University of York Computer Science (with a year in industry)
University of York Computer Science with Embedded Systems (Yr in Ind)
King’s College Londom Computer Science with Management and a Year in Industry (4 years)
University of Aberdeen Computing Science
University of Glasgow Computing Science
University of Cardiff Earth and Environmental Science
University of Sussex Economics and Finance
University of Cardiff Economics and Management Studies
University of Glasgow Genetics
University of Liverpool Genetics
University of Sussex Genetics
University of Glasgow Geography
University of Southampton Geography
University of Liverpool Geography (Science)
University of Essex International Economics
University of Bath International Management
University of Surrey International Politics
University of Westminster Law
Aston University Law with Management
University of Aberdeen Law with options in Business Management
University of Leeds Management
University of Warwick Management
University of Essex Management Economics
Queen Mary, University of London Mathematics with Finance and Accounting
University of York Politics with International Relations
Royal Holloway, University of London Politics, Philosophy and Economics